To begin, please enter the VIN number, the installation mileage and current mileage of the vehicle that you are working on then click 'Lookup'
If this is not your VIN please click back and retry.
Please enter your serial number. This can be found on the serial number sticker affixed to the transmission, or on the outside of the pod, is 7 digits and begins with a 'W'. It could also be a 6 digit number that starts with an 'A'
Invalid serial format. Read the instructions above and try again.
If this is not your VIN please click back and retry.
Verify your Vehicle Information:
Verify your Serial Number:
Please enter the city, state, zip where your transmission was purchased from.
Select a city, state, zip then try again.
Sorry, there are no stores found in this city.
Please try again.
If you have the correct city, state, zip selected for where you purchased your transmission please call or chat with customer service for additional help.
Please search another city, state, zip. Sometimes cities have multiple zip codes.
It it sometimes helpful to search for your store's zipcode in
Google first then come back and enter it in below.
If you have tried all zip codes for the city you are searching, and still cannot find your store, please call or chat with customer service.
Purchaser Information
Please complete the form below.
Point of Contact
Who do you want us to call, text and/or email?
Installer Information
Was the transmission installed by a professional repair facility or was it a "do it yourself" install?
Is the installer and purchaser information the same?
Please complete the form below.
By submitting this form, you consent to receive text messages to the point of contact mobile phone number from us.
Standard messaging rates may apply.
You may opt out at any time by replying STOP to any message.
Diagnostic Information
Truthfully answer the questions below, then click submit.
Upload image of fluid condition.
(Optional, but recommended)
Drag and drop images here, or click to browse.
Are there any noticeable fluid leaks?
Upload image of noticeable leak(s).
(Optional, but recommended)
Drag and drop images here, or click to browse.
Are there any DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes) in -any- module?
Are there any unusual noises?
Please provide, in your own words, what happened?
What would be your desired outcome?
By submitting this form, you consent to receive text messages to the point of contact mobile phone number from us.
Standard messaging rates may apply.
You may opt out at any time by replying STOP to any message.